Q 1: When was the last time you got a present? What was it?
A: Last month – for Christmas – I got many presents. Clothes, cosmetics, a computer backpack… And lots of happiness and smiles from friends. But this month I got a present from myself. Apple AirPods Max 2.
Q 2: Would you like to get fitter? What do you think you should do?
A: Yes, I’d like to get fitter. I should be harder on myself. I should improve my daily schedule and balance my well-being with my work.
Q 3: What website do you use if you want to get tickets a) to travel b) for the cinema/theatre/concerts?
A: For travel in the Czech Republic I usually use https://regiojet.cz/ or https://cd.cz/. For travel to and from the UK I usually use https://www.britishairways.com/. For cinema tickets, I usually use https://www.cinemacity.cz/. When I want to get concert tickets, I usually use https://www.ticketportal.cz/.
Q 4: Who do you get on with best in your family? Is there anybody you don’t get on with?
A: I get on best with all members of the family. The question is: What does the word „best“ mean – it’s a very interpretive word.
Q 5: How do you get to work/school? How long does it usually take you?
I get to work by tram. It usually takes me about 15 to 20 minutes.
Q 6: What’s the first thing you do when you get home from work/school?
A: That’s hard to answer. I work from home very often. And sometimes when I come back from the office, I usually relax for a while – close my eyes, sometimes I sleep…
Q 7: Do you have a good sense of direction, or do you often get lost?
A: I think I have a good sense of direction at the moment. But I often use Google Maps.
Q 8: How many emails or text messages do you get a day? Are they mostly from friends? Do you usually reply immediately?
A: I get an approximate of 50 text messages and emails per day. Many of the messages I get from work, many of the messages I get from family members or friends.
got vs. give vs. take [získat, dostat, … vs dát, dávat, podat… vs vzít (si), uchopit…]
When was the last time… [Kdy naposledy…]
computer backpack [batoh na počítač]
lots of happiness [mnoho radosti]
Would you like… [Chěl bys…]
get fitter [získat lepší kondici]
but !!! fitter [montér] 🙂
sense of direction [smysl pro orientaci, orientační smysl]