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EF 1A: Vocabulary: Clothes

Clothes are the things we wear every day. Here are some common words for different types of clothes:

1. Everyday Clothes

  • Shirt [košile]: a piece of clothing worn on the upper body.
  • T-shirt [tričko]: a casual shirt with short sleeves and no collar.
  • Skirt [sukně]: a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist.
  • Trousers [kalhoty] (UK): clothing that covers your legs.
  • Shoes [boty]: what you wear on your feet outside.
  • Boots [boty]: shoes that cover your feet and ankles, sometimes higher.

2. Other Common Clothes

  • Sweater [svetr]: a warm top, usually made of wool.
  • Jacket [bunda]: light outerwear, shorter than a coat.
  • Coat [kabát]: a long piece of outerwear for colder weather.
  • Scarf [šála]: a long piece of cloth you wear around your neck.
  • Cardigan [svetr na zapínání]: a sweater with buttons in the front.
  • Sandals [sandály]: open shoes for warm weather.
  • Trainers (UK) / Sneakers (US) [tenisky]: shoes for sports or casual wear.

3. Accessories [doplňky]

  • Hat [klobouk]: worn on the head.
  • Gloves [rukavice]: cover your hands in cold weather.
  • Belt [opasek]: used around the waist to hold up trousers.

These words are essential for describing what someone is wearing or shopping for clothes.