If you want to talk about your job or studies, you can use these simple phrases: These questions are easy to use when you talk…
Comments closedRubrika: English
When you talk about your home and family, you often use simple phrases to describe your life. For example: These phrases help people learn more…
Comments closedThe modal verb „should“ is used to express advice, recommendations, obligations, probability, or expectations. Here’s a detailed overview of its uses and structure: [Modální sloveso…
Comments closedHere is a comparison of these four common expressions used to describe obligation, prohibition, or lack of necessity: Expression Usage Meaning Example Translation Have to…
Comments closedThe modal verb „must“ is used to express obligation, strong necessity, or certainty. Its negative form, „mustn’t“, is used to express prohibition. Here’s a detailed…
Comments closedThe phrases „have to“ and „don’t have to“ are used to express necessity or lack of necessity. They are often compared to modal verbs, such…
Comments closedGerundium je v angličtině slovesný tvar, který končí na -ing a používá se jako podstatné jméno. V češtině žádný přesný ekvivalent nemáme, ale často odpovídá…
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