Preparing and delivering a presentation in English, especially when it’s not your first language, can feel challenging. Through careful reflection and feedback, I’ve identified areas…
Comments closedRubrika: English
The verb get is one of the most versatile [všestranné, mnohostranné…] and commonly used verbs in English. Its meaning can change dramatically [dramaticky] depending [záviset,…
Comments closedQ 1: When was the last time you got a present? What was it?A: Last month – for Christmas – I got many presents. Clothes,…
Comments closed[EF 2C: Příčina, důsledek a kontrastní spojky] These connectors are used to link sentences and ideas, showing logical relationships between them. They help to explain…
Comments closed[EF 2C: Časové sekvencery] Time sequencers are used to express the chronological order of events, helping to narrate a story or describe the sequence of…
Comments closed[Vysvětlení minulého času průběhového] The Past Continuous is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were happening at a specific moment in the…
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