Some English words have the /ə/ (schwa sound) or /ɜː/ sound. Here’s how to pronounce them:
1. /ə/
This sound is very short and weak. It often appears in unstressed syllables. Examples:
- actor (/ˈæk.tər/)
- fashion (/ˈfæʃ.ən/)
- university (/ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/)
2. /ɜː/
This sound is longer and stressed. Examples:
- bird (/bɜːd/)
- third (/θɜːd/)
- world (/wɜːld/)
Practice Words
Listen to the difference in these pairs:
- actor (short /ə/) vs. third (long /ɜː/)
- fashion (short /ə/) vs. world (long /ɜː/)
Practicing these sounds will help improve your clarity in pronunciation.