The modal verb „should“ is used to express advice, recommendations, obligations, probability, or expectations. Here’s a detailed overview of its uses and structure:
[Modální sloveso „should“ se používá k vyjádření rady, doporučení, povinnosti, pravděpodobnosti nebo očekávání. Zde je podrobný přehled jeho použití a struktury:]
1. „Should“ for Advice or Recommendations
„Should“ is commonly used to give advice or suggest what someone ought to do.
- Structure:
- Subject + should + base verb
- Examples:
- You should eat more vegetables. [Měl bys jíst více zeleniny.]
- She should see a doctor. [Měla by navštívit lékaře.]
- They should take a break. [Měli by si dát přestávku.]
2. „Should“ for Obligation or Duty
„Should“ can express a sense of obligation, though it’s less strong than „must.“
- Examples:
- Students should submit their assignments on time. [Studenti by měli odevzdat úkoly včas.]
- You should respect your elders. [Měl bys respektovat starší.]
3. „Should“ for Probability or Expectation
„Should“ can indicate what is likely to happen or what we expect to happen.
- Examples:
- The train should arrive soon. [Vlak by měl brzy dorazit.]
- He should be at work by now. [Už by měl být v práci.]
4. „Should“ for Conditional Sentences
In conditional sentences, „should“ can be used to express a hypothetical situation or a polite form.
- Examples:
- If you should see her, please tell her to call me. [Kdybys ji náhodou viděl, řekni jí prosím, aby mi zavolala.]
- Should you need help, let me know. [Pokud budeš potřebovat pomoc, dej mi vědět.]
5. Negative Form: „Shouldn’t“
The negative form „shouldn’t“ is used to express advice against doing something or to point out that something is wrong or inappropriate.
- Structure:
- Subject + shouldn’t + base verb
- Examples:
- You shouldn’t eat so much junk food. [Neměl bys jíst tolik nezdravého jídla.]
- She shouldn’t speak to her boss that way. [Neměla by tak mluvit se svým šéfem.]
6. „Should Have“ for Past Advice or Regret
The phrase „should have“ is used to talk about things that didn’t happen in the past but were advisable or expected.
- Structure:
- Subject + should have + past participle
- Examples:
- You should have studied harder for the exam. [Měl ses víc učit na zkoušku.]
- They should have called us earlier. [Měli nám zavolat dříve.]
- I shouldn’t have eaten so much cake. [Neměl jsem jíst tolik dortu.]
7. Questions with „Should“
You can use „should“ in questions to ask for advice, suggestions, or opinions.
- Examples:
- What should I wear to the party? [Co bych si měl vzít na večírek?]
- Should we wait for them? [Máme na ně počkat?]
- Where should we go for lunch? [Kam bychom měli jít na oběd?]
Summary Table
Use | Example | Translation |
Advice or Recommendation | You should take an umbrella. | Měl by sis vzít deštník. |
Obligation or Duty | We should follow the rules. | Měli bychom dodržovat pravidla. |
Probability or Expectation | It should be sunny tomorrow. | Zítra by mělo být slunečno. |
Conditional Sentences | If you should need anything, call me. | Pokud bys něco potřeboval, zavolej mi. |
Negative Form (Shouldn’t) | You shouldn’t stay up so late. | Neměl bys zůstávat vzhůru tak dlouho. |
Past Advice or Regret | I should have studied more. | Měl jsem se víc učit. |
Practice Sentences:
- You ______ (should/shouldn’t) drink more water.
- They ______ (should/shouldn’t) have arrived by now.
- What ______ (should) we do next?
- You ______ (should/shouldn’t) park here; it’s not allowed.