The infinitive with to is a basic verb form that is often used in English grammar. Here are the main cases where the infinitive with to is used:
1. As the Subject of a Sentence
The infinitive with to can act as the subject of a sentence. However, this is more common in formal English.
- Examples:
- To learn a new language is rewarding. [Učit se nový jazyk je obohacující.]
- To travel the world is my dream. [Procestovat svět je můj sen.]
2. After Certain Verbs
[Po některých/určitých slovesech]
Some verbs are followed directly by the infinitive with to. [Po některých slovesech následuje přímo infinitiv s to.]
- Common verbs: agree [souhlasit], decide [rozhodnout], hope [doufat], plan [plánovat], promise [slíbit], refuse [odmítnout], want [chtít], need [potřebovat]
- Examples:
- I want to learn French. [Chci (se) učit francouzštinu.]
- She promised to help me with my project. [Slíbila pomoci mi s mým projektem.]
3. To Show Purpose
[Ukázat účel/smysl]
The infinitive with to is often used to indicate the reason or purpose of an action.
- Examples:
- He studies hard to pass his exams. [Studuje tvrdě pro složení své zkoušky.]
- I went to the store to buy some milk. [Šel jsem do obchodu koupit nějaké mléko.]
4. After Adjectives
Infinitives with to often follow adjectives, especially those that describe emotions, abilities, or necessity.
- Examples:
- It’s easy to learn this grammar rule.
- She was happy to meet you.
5. After Nouns
The infinitive with to can follow a noun to provide additional information about it.
- Examples:
- He has a meeting to attend this afternoon.
- There’s a lot of work to do.
6. As Part of a Fixed Expression
Some phrases naturally require the infinitive with to.
- Examples:
- It’s time to go.
- I have no idea what to say.
7. After Question Words
The infinitive with to is used after question words like what, where, how, when, etc.
- Examples:
- I don’t know what to do.
- She explained how to solve the problem.
8. In Passive Voice
The infinitive with to is used after certain passive constructions.
- Examples:
- He is expected to arrive soon.
- The work needs to be finished by Friday.
9. With Modal-Like Phrases
Some modal-like phrases require the infinitive with to.
- Examples:
- You ought to apologize.
- I’d prefer not to say.
Uses of the Infinitive with to
The infinitive with to is a basic verb form that is often used in English grammar. Here are the main cases where the infinitive with to is used:
1. As the Subject of a Sentence
The infinitive with to can act as the subject of a sentence. However, this is more common in formal English.
- Examples:
- To learn a new language is rewarding.
- To travel the world is my dream.
2. After Certain Verbs
Some verbs are followed directly by the infinitive with to.
- Common verbs: agree, decide, hope, plan, promise, refuse, want, need
- Examples:
- I want to learn French.
- She promised to help me with my project.
3. To Show Purpose
The infinitive with to is often used to indicate the reason or purpose of an action.
- Examples:
- He studies hard to pass his exams.
- I went to the store to buy some milk.
4. After Adjectives
Infinitives with to often follow adjectives, especially those that describe emotions, abilities, or necessity.
- Examples:
- It’s easy to learn this grammar rule.
- She was happy to meet you.
5. After Nouns
The infinitive with to can follow a noun to provide additional information about it.
- Examples:
- He has a meeting to attend this afternoon.
- There’s a lot of work to do.
6. As Part of a Fixed Expression
Some phrases naturally require the infinitive with to.
- Examples:
- It’s time to go.
- I have no idea what to say.
7. After Question Words
The infinitive with to is used after question words like what, where, how, when, etc.
- Examples:
- I don’t know what to do.
- She explained how to solve the problem.
8. In Passive Voice
The infinitive with to is used after certain passive constructions.
- Examples:
- He is expected to arrive soon.
- The work needs to be finished by Friday.
9. With Modal-Like Phrases
Some modal-like phrases require the infinitive with to.
- Examples:
- You ought to apologize.
- I’d prefer not to say.
10. Negative Infinitive
The infinitive with to can be negated by placing not before it.
- Examples:
- She decided not to go.
- I promised not to tell anyone.
Summary Table
Use | Example |
As a Subject | To read is enjoyable. |
After Certain Verbs | She wants to dance. |
To Show Purpose | He left early to catch the train. |
After Adjectives | It’s difficult to explain. |
After Nouns | I have a lot to learn. |
Fixed Expressions | It’s time to leave. |
After Question Words | I know where to find it. |
In Passive Voice | The work is expected to be done. |
With Modal-Like Phrases | You ought to call her. |
Negative Infinitive | She chose not to go. |